8-year-old Haddijatou was brought up by a single parent. The SaGG Foundation enrolled her right from nursery school. She never imagined the schooling life or the possibility of it, but now as she is in elementary school, she recently lost her sponsor. To help her get complete her studies at school she would require your kind sponsorship of £10 a month.
Mariama is 12 years old; she is an orphan being cared for by her guardian. She has an excellent and outstanding performance in school. However, she is at risk of not completing her education due to her situation. As a bright student, it would be heartbreaking for Mariama to drop out. For £20 a month or any amount you would like to support her with, you can help Mariama complete her education.
Sainabou is from an underprivileged family. She was mostly in and out of school due to a lack of support from being able to pay her fees. After finding a Sponsor, she was transferred to another school as requested by the Sponsor. Unfortunately, her sponsor lost her job. Your sponsorship of £12 a month will ensure she stays in school.
AnnaAnna is 13 years old, and she was enrolled in school late. At the age of 13, she is still in primary school. The reason was due to the lack of support in all areas, the paying of her fees, provision of educational resources, and extra tuition support. You can inquire today to start sponsoring Anna in education, for £16 a month, you can help secure a future of hope and possibilities for Anna.
SohnaSohna is a determined and bright young student from Nairobi with an unwavering passion for learning and community service. Despite financial challenges, Sohna has excelled academically, especially in science and mathematics, and is known for her resilience and commitment to education. Sohna is seeking sponsorship to complete her high school education for £10 per month.
Mariama13-year-old Mariama started school at the age of 9. She was given the schooling opportunity after the SaGG Foundation decided to intervene and enroll her in a school. She is from a community where girls' education is not valued. To sustain her powerful story of breaking barriers set for her, she would require a sponsorship with a yearly fee of £16 a month.
MaimunaMaimuna is a 14-year-old girl who
lives with her guardian and has limited financial support to continue her education. She started school late, and with the support of a sponsor, she would drop out of school. Maimuna is from a community where girls' education is not encouraged and with a high prevalence of early child marriage. Sponsor a Maimuna for £10 a month to break the cycle of poverty. |
MichelleMichelle is in the first grade of high school. She is from a very disadvantaged background. She faces challenges with all aspects of her education, especially transportation to go to school. Michelle aspires to have an in the Arts field, however, her current situation makes it difficult to believe that her dream is possible. You can help to give Michelle a future to achieve anything she puts her mind to, by sponsoring her for £10 a month.
AlbertinaAlbertina is a 16-year-old girl. She is in the first grade of high school where she studies English language, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, health science, and geography. She aspires to have a career in the STEM field. However, without the support of a sponsor to realise her aspiration, Albertina will not achieve her goal. Click on the link below to inquire on how to start the process to sponsor Albertina for £15 a month.
Empowering Girls: How Your Sponsorship Makes a Difference |
Giving Love and Hope100% of the sponsorship goes to your chosen girl. We do not collect a pot of money to distribute among the girls. The girl that you are sponsoring receives your full sponsorship.
Direct CommunicationYou can choose to have direct communication with the girl and her family. Receive weekly to monthly updates about the girl's schooling and build a 1-2-1 relationship.
Direct PaymentWe are passionate about what we do. We know the issue at hand, hence why sponsorship payments are made directly to the schools and receipts are made available to you.
Girls Share the Importance of Education and Hope for the Future Through Sponsorship |
You can choose to support this movement to educate the girl child by setting up a monthly direct debit of any amount.
Frequently Asked QuestionsFind answers to our FAQs. Know more about the Foundation's operation and purpose of this girls' education movement in this space!
Blog And StoriesVisit our blog site to read and find out more about trending topics, relating to women's empowerment, barriers to girls' education, and girls breaking free to take control of their lives.
The FoundersMeet Annetta and Lisa, founders who champion girl child education in The Gambia. Learn about their motivation for their campaign.
The SaGG Foundation (Sponsor a Gambian Girl) is a girl’s education movement, with aim of championing the cause for girl child education in The Gambia. Education is a basic human right; our vision is to advocate and champion for female education.
About us |